
Trainee Supervisor Course

The BARC will offer the Trainee Supervisor Course which provides a second tier of training for former students of the Field School and for students who have completed at least one Field School elsewhere. This is an exiting new course open to returning students who plan to make a career in archaeology. The course is designed to offer a deeper level of training to those students who excelled when they attended Bornholm Field School’s 4-6 week modules. The course is offered to those students who demonstrated a combination of skills including; intuitive understanding of archaeological procedures, good work ethic, the ability to listen to and understand instruction, and with the right temperament to become Site Supervisors.

The Trainee Supervisor Course is a unique learning experience which builds on the skills gained in the previous year. Candidates are therefore selected on merit and/or when they have demonstrated a good understanding of the basic principals of excavation.

The field school program has been re-organized and the schedule for the coming years will reflect a more structured approach to all aspects of Fieldwork. It is for this new program that the Trainee Supervisor Course has been developed.

The Trainee Supervisors will be responsible for a particular area of the excavation and work with the director to ensure that the area is correctly excavated and recorded. The Trainee Supervisor will lead a team of students through the process of excavation, and be responsible for maintaining discipline, providing training to the students in the basic skills of excavation, and compiling the site archive for their area of the site. Each area will be a new excavation, and so the Trainee Supervisor will oversee the entire process of the excavation from laying out the trench and removing the sod, through to the completion of the excavation. The Trainee Supervisor will then be instructed in the basic procedures of post excavation, learning how to prepare the written and drawn records to be placed into a permanent archive, how to digitize plans in AutoCAD, and how to write a stratigraphic report.

At the end of the course the Trainee Supervisor will have compiled a complete report of their area to full publication standard. When the report is published in each Trainee Supervisor will be named as the co-author of the section of the report covering their particular area. This level of training leading to a full, peer reviewed, publication credit is simply unavailable elsewhere, and would provide a major advantage to the Trainee Supervisor during job applications or applications for post-graduate study.